Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Tree: Hilda Battlefield #2

This is the battlefield of the second battle of Hilda. Unfortunately it was taken after the battle was over. This tree is now on display in a little known part of New Jersey known as K-Mart.Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Azores: T.W.O.W. Battlefield #3

This is a picture of the battlefield in the Azores. Unfortunately it was taken after the battle. However if you look hard enough, you can see a sand castle down on the beach. That has nothing to do with the T.W.O.W., it's just kind of cool. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Queen Elizabeth XXVIII

This is a picture of Queen Elizabeth XXVIII, the leader of the penguins and co-leader of the E.U.G.W.J. She is upset. The reason is unknown and is being investigated by a Special Committe formed the World Health Organization. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Cap't'list Hindquarters: Hilda Battlefield #1

This is Cap't'list Hindquarters, where the First Battle of Hilda took place. Unfortunately, it was taken after the battle Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Gobi Desert: T.W.O.W. Battlefield #2

This is a picture of the battlefield in the Gobi Desert. Unfortunately it was taken after the battle, and after everyone had wandered off in search of a pub. Rumor has it that they are still wandering Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Montreal: T.W.O.W. Battlefield #1

This is a picture of the battefield in Montreal. Unfortunately, it was taken after the battle. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 05, 2005

Idyll Brown and Idyl Brownn

This is a picture of Idyll Brown and Idyl Brownn together, plotting ways to become the most renowned Cap't'list species, and eventually overthrow the Lemmings to become the A.S.S.Posted by Picasa


This is the lastest picture of Sveq, the leader of the Walrus, sitting atop the great fortress of the Walrus, known as th'Høl. He is listening to the Beatles' song "I am the Walrus" on his iPod. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 16, 2005


This is Ål outside the Lemming stronghold known as Bgrlpjnrptrt. Ål is doing one of the Lemmings' famous cries, after he decided to keep the Lemmings out of the T.W.O.W. He added the "LEMMINGS OWN YOU" on account of the fact that the Lemming Hypothesis was at last proven, which states simply that Lemmings own you. Posted by Hello

Monday, June 06, 2005

Jåçøb and Bêñjÿ

This is Jåçøb and Bêñjÿ in gorilla suits after being freed from the Montreal Central Jail. Jåçøb and Bêñjÿ were the former leaders of the MCAS, but, when they got arrested, they disbanded the MCAS. Now that Jåçøb and Bêñjÿ have been freed, they are thinking of restarting the MCAS. Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 04, 2005


This is Ølåf, leader of the Zebus. He is here, trekking from Jacob and Benjy's house in Syracuse, New York to the Montreal Central Jail where Jåçøb and Bêñjÿ are being held by the Z.D.Y.D.L.D.E.D.R. Posted by Hello

Thursday, June 02, 2005


This is one of the musk oxen, Kåp’pål’ønç as he becomes one of 30,000 musk ox making the 3,000-mile trek from the north of Canada to Saas-Khatch-Eehe-Wahan. Kåp’pål’ønç was the first to arrive in Saas-Khatch-Eehe-Wahan and was greeted by Smorgasborg. The Cap't'lists are expected to call upon one more species in the war. The species will most likely be the Zebus.

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


This is Smorgasborg taking a sip of water after coming down from the mountain where he triumphed over Zyggi (formerly known as Ziggy) the Zebra. Smorgasbord is a famous cap't'list general of the mooses.Posted by Hello

Zyggi the Zebra

This is Zyggi (formerly known as Ziggy) the Zebra shouting at Smorgasborg to come and fight like a Moose. Zyggi the Zebra is the zebra representative of the Z.D.Y.D.L.D.E.D.R.Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Zebras

This is the Zebras migrating across the Serengeti. They are expected to arrive in Montreal on Wednesday. Posted by Hello


This is Gewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu in Montreal during the W.X.Y.Z. summit. At first, Gewaiewfaijwiuhiwfu was against joining the W.X.Y.Z. (now the Z.D.Y.D.L.D.E.D.R.), but a lecture on the basics of calculus helped change his mind.
Posted by Hello


This is Nüt in Montreal at the W.X.Y.Z. summit. Nüt was the one who suggested that the emus should join the W.X.Y.Z. (now the Z.D.Y.D.L.D.E.D.R.).
Posted by Hello

Jak the Yak

This is Jak the Yak on the banks of the St. Lawrence River at the W.X.Y.Z. summit. Jak the Yak is the leader of the yaks and the communists, and a good friend of Quak the Yak, the communist revolutionary. Posted by Hello

Foghorn On the Mountain

This is the headquarters of Foghorn, known as Foghorn on the Mountain. We, the drug smugglers have set up shop, and are currently selling 57 different types of illegal drugs and plotting ways to get our bounty up to $500,000,000. For obvious reasons, we cannot tell you our exact location, but it is somewhere south of Russia. Posted by Hello