Foghorn On the Mountain
This is the headquarters of Foghorn, known as Foghorn on the Mountain. We, the drug smugglers have set up shop, and are currently selling 57 different types of illegal drugs and plotting ways to get our bounty up to $500,000,000. For obvious reasons, we cannot tell you our exact location, but it is somewhere south of Russia.
Congratulations on being the first person ever to comment on Foghorn (the Pictures). I am so happy that I might give you a nickel. In fact, I am so happy that I might forgive you for your misspellings on comment #8 on "The Z.D.Y.D.E.D.L.D.R. and the Cap't'lists Leave for Their Cruises."
Don't need to do this one, I guess. Already been done, twice! Oh, right, just did anyway. Oh well. This is djbjrca, signing off.
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